The government has been accused of deliberately withholding detail on its push to enshrine an Indigenous voice in the constitution for political reasons.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and shadow attorney-general Julian Leeser were briefed by the referendum working group after calling for more information on the proposed voice’s make-up and function.

Mr Dutton accused the prime minister of withholding details of the voice as a deliberate political strategy.

The Albanese government has consistently said the referendum will only deal with two issues, the recognition of Indigenous people in the constitution and their right to be consulted on issues pertaining to them.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wrote to the opposition leader, saying the proposal had come off the back of years of discussion.

The final model for the voice would then be decided by the parliament if Australia agrees to the principle of enshrining the body in the constitution.

Mr Leeser says they want to see more details about the make-up of the body first.

“What we’re saying is we think Australians should be able to understand this body looks like. We’re being asked to add to the constitution words to create one body. It’s reasonable that Australians understand what the body would do, how it would function, what it would advise on and how it would make a difference to people on the ground and in communities.”