The Minister for Indigenous Affairs has confirmed that he will not be reversing cuts to the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples made in 2014.
During an interview with a First Nations radio station, Minister Nigel Scullion claimed that the majority of First Nation’s people “don’t even know who Congress is.”
National Congress Co Chair, Mr Rod Little said, “The Minister claims that we received 30 million dollars and we were meant to become self-sustainable.
“This statement simply is not true. Yes, the National Congress was provided with $29.28M for engagement, policy development and operational activities, over five financial years. In short the government determined what Congress could receive and what that money could be spent on.
Mr Little said the funds didn’t allow them to become self-sustainable.
“None of these funds were allowed to be used to invested or in any way contribute to our long term sustainability, and any suggestion to the contrary is just plain wrong.”
I find it alarming that Prime Minister Turnbull wants to maintain a relationship with National Congress yet his Minister for Indigenous Affairs is doing his best not to support National Congress nor engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations that don’t toe the line.”