The Greens say they will work with Labor to ensure Treaty and Truth-Telling are central to discussions on a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament.

This week, the Greens party room formally backed Leader Adam Bandt and Senator Lidia Thorpe to negotiate with the government on how the referendum would function.

The Gunnai, Gunditjmara, and Djab Wurrung Senator said First Nations people’s lives are priority before any referendum, and is demanding full implementation of the recommendations contained in the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and the Bringing them Home report.

“We can ensure that First Peoples human rights are at the foundation of any Voice to Parliament, through passage of my Bill on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2022,” Senator Thorpe added.

“The government has said they’re prepared to discuss their plan for a Voice, and I’ve got the full support of my party to begin negotiations.”

“We’ve made it clear that the Greens want to see progress on all elements of the Statement. We support legislation that improves the lives of First Nations people, and I look forward to talking with Minister Burney about how we achieve that together in this Parliament.”

“If the PM wants to heal this nation and unify people, he needs to understand that Sovereignty never ceded is more than a slogan. It’s a call to action. It’s time to tell the truth about our Country,” she said on Tuesday.

“We will be putting treaty and a truth commission on the table.”

Any referendum would need approval from Parliament, making the Greens’ 12 Senate votes pivotal if the Coalition opposed the proposal.

Greens senator for WA and proud Yamatji-Noongar woman, Dorinda Cox told NIRS news, her party is ready to negotiate in good faith, similar to discussions on the recently passed Climate Change Bill.

Greens Senator Dorinda Cox yarns to NIRS about Voice talks