Minister for Sport Mick de Brenni has announced $5 million funding to launch a program over three years to upgrade indoor sport and recreation facilities in remote indigenous communities.
Announcing the funding as part of NAIDOC Week celebrations, Mr de Brenni said the Remote Facilities Maintenance Program would provide targeted support to 21 of Queensland’s most isolated communities.
21 remote Communities have been selected to take part in the program; the communities have fewer than 5000 residents and already participate in the Indigenous Community Sport and Recreation Program (ICSRP).
The government has announced the launch of The Matty Bowen Multipurpose Facility in Hope Vale, the Woorabinda Kangaroo Stadium, and the Jerry and Andrewina Hudson Sports Complex in Mapoon
The Queensland Government’s Building and Asset Services will oversee the delivery of works using local trades and labour where it can be applied in a cost effective and timely manner.
Facility maintenance assessments already carried out in nine communities since March 2017.
Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Mark Furner said the funding would be instrumental in helping local communities to get active.
“We know that many communities are centered around sporting activities, especially for children and young people,” Mr Furner said.
(IMAGE:Flickr: mvongrue)