A NSW north coast town is the newest site of a growing grassroots movement, with the launch of the Bundjalung Ballina Grandmothers Against Removals.

The group, which has been running unofficially since December, is part of a growing national network established in May 2014 to call for a “national people’s movement” to stop the ongoing Stolen Generations and provide a voice for concerned communities about the high rates of child removals.

Spokesperson for the Bundjalung Ballina group and Bundjalung woman Sue Siganto, says the Department of Family and Community Services has agreed to meet with the group weekly.


Greens NSW MP and Aboriginal Justice Spokesperson David Shoebridge attended the event, and says they will stand with the group in demanding “lasting solutions that strengthen communities.”

“Despite the landmark Bringing Them Home report, and despite Parliament’s apology to the Stolen Generations, Aboriginal children are still being removed from their families at tragic rates.”


Child Removals Facts


Image: Bundjalung Ballina Grandmothers Against Removals Facebook