Australians are being reminded they can check their immunisation status through My Health Record via desktop or mobile or via one of two apps – Healthi and HealthNow.
The My Health Record (MHR) system is a secure online summary of an individual’s health information and gives the user control of what goes into it, and who is allowed to access it – including doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers.

The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) said upgrades to MHR this week includes a consolidated immunisation view so people can easily see details of all immunisations, including their first COVID-19 vaccination, when it is received and when their next shot is due.
You will need to have linked your MHR to your myGov to access the information, regardless of if you go direct or use an app.
Immunisation information on My Health Record is updated via a daily feed from Australian Immunisation Register data which records vaccines given to all people in Australia.
Deadly Choices Ambassador and Brisbane Broncos legend Steve Renouf said additionally you can access your My Health Records through your GP, local Aboriginal Medical Service or a 24-hour helpline.
My Health Record helpline: 1800 723 471
For more information on the My Health Record system visit