National leaders of faith have joined together to call on MPs from across the political spectrum to back an Indigenous voice to parliament.

The alliance – made up of leaders from nine national organisations representing Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish communities – have affirmed their support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

In an open letter sent as part of the week of action run by the yes campaign ahead of its official launch, faith leaders called on politicians to “find ways to collaborate constructively” on constitutional recognition for First Nations people.

“We draw upon our diverse traditions, beliefs and cultures to unite in support of this just cause. We respectfully ask our political representatives to do the same,” the letter said.

The letter also urged Australians to consider the voice proposal on its merits and for information to be provided to the community promptly.

CEO of Cape York Partnership, Fiona Jose, has contributed to Statements from the Soul, a collection of essays by Australians of diverse faiths and cultures making the moral case for the Uluru Statement, which was launched on Monday.

“It is uplifting to see Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian and Buddhist Australians, plus migrant communities all over the country, coming together and courageously speaking up to support Indigenous peoples’ request for a constitutionally guaranteed Voice in our own affairs,” Ms Jose said. “It gives me hope that if we all continue to work together, the referendum will succeed.”