The Productivity Commission has today released the third annual data compilation report which gives a snapshot of progress against the targets in the Closing the Gap agreement.

The report shows just four of the 19 targets are on track to be met: preschool enrolment, youth detention, employment and land subject to Indigenous peopl’s legal rights or interests.

While progress has been made on a further seven targets, it’s not at the level required for them to be met on schedule.

Four target areas are going backwards: fewer children are developmentally on track when they start school, the rates of children in out-of-home care have worsened, as have adult prison rates, and people dying by suicide have increased.

Commissioner Natalie Siegel-Brown said worsening outcomes in the Northern Territory, and poor out-of-home care rates in Victoria and South Australia, are particularly concerning.

The commission has also said progress in some areas can’t be assessed due to a lack of data.

Commissioner Romlie Mokak said data on the priority reform areas is needed so they can assess whether progress has been made in areas such as family violence, community infrastructure, language and digital inclusion.