A new Indigenous-led platform is helping First Nations people monitor and expose racism and discrimination experienced in their everyday lives.

The Call It Out register, is a joint venture between the National Justice Project and Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research, and was inspired by similar report systems established by Jewish and Muslim groups in Australia.

Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike can visit the website to anonymously call out all forms of racism and abuse targeted at First Nations people.

The individual reports are collected and analysed by Indigenous research centre, the Jumbunna Institute, to inform an annual report which will help raise awareness and drive systematic change.

Distinguished Professor Larissa Behrendt is a Eualeyai/Kamillaroi woman and the director of research at Jumbunna, she says the register allows a safe and secure space for people to make complaints without going through legal or formal avenues that can often retraumatise victims.

Professor Larissa Behrendt, the director of research at Jumbunna Research at Sydney’s University of Technology