The Australian Council of Social Service is calling on the Federal Government to increase the Jobseeker payment following the release of a new report.

The report – Poverty in Australia 2023: Who is affected, has been released by the Poverty Inequality Partnership, led by ACOSS and UNSW Sydney.

It shows 60% of people receiving JobSeeker Payment and 72% of people receiving Parenting Payment live in poverty while households relying on Youth Allowance are the deepest in poverty – with incomes on average being $390 per week below the poverty line.

In a statement, ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie says the report highlights the need for more poverty reduction measures.

“This report provides further evidence of the need for a poverty reduction package in the May Budget to lift working-age income support payments to at least $76 a day, double rent assistance, increase supplements for the extra costs of sole parenthood and disability, complemented by a commitment to full employment and improved employment services.”

“The Government also needs to invest in at least 25,000 social housing units per year, with housing costs a major poverty risk for people on low incomes.”