Lawyers representing Indigenous families in New South Wales are are still waiting for a response from the State Government in relation to a complaint of alleged unjust child removals.

Shine Lawyers lodged a complaint to the Human Rights Commission on behalf of Indigenous families alleging the Department of Families has been unjustly removing Indigenous children.

They say in some cases parents have been monitored since pregnancy and have been pulled up for trivial reasons.

Speaking to the ABC, Class Action Special Counsel Caitlin Wilson alleges the department is engaging in unlawful discrimination in their investigation of Indigenous families.

She says it has had a massive cultural impact on families and children have spoken about how hard it is to reconnect with their culture.

Shine Lawyers describe this is a national issue as they intend to lodge complaints against departments in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia with the possibility of other jurisdictions in the future.

(IMAGE: Toy train, Bambang Untoro Jati,